If you have suggestions for changes or additions, please send them to me! You will be credited. That's cool, right?
- Adaptive software development (ASD) - A bunch of frat guys get together and decide where to go, then speculate how much money they'll need for both beer and gas. After they hit the first two bars, you'll see them on the side of the road thumbing for a ride.
- Agile modeling - Document continuously until you have a 16-page whitepaper describing the entire trip, then decide that the Best Practice is to just leave the car in the garage.
- Agile Unified Process (AUP) - You take your Grandpa's old '57 Ford out for a spin, but paste flames on the side to make it look cool. You go three miles before the car overheats and you have to push it the rest of the way.
- Crystal Clear Methods - Car? We don't need no stinkin' car!
- Kanban - A small team develops a car in small pieces. The work moves quickly across the board, where it all congregates in a junkyard heap waiting for someone to pick it up for testing.
- SaFE - You and 1,000 of your closest friends take a road trip on a Greyhound Bus that has a Volvo logo pasted on it.
- Scrum - Everyone works as a team to design the car in small increments, inspecting and adapting at the end of each city block. By the time you've travelled ten blocks, you realized that you are just going around in a big square.
- Scrumban - You decide that you're going to MapQuest your trip, but then you decide the directions are wrong, ignore all signs, swerve into the ditch and then blame MapQuest.